NEW! Get Help or Give Help with #FixMyVideo 🔺 Sent on 11 July 2022 by Michael Forrest

What’s the next thing you should fix about your video? Do you need a new camera? Do you need to tidy up your backdrop? Improve your lighting? Improve your microphone technique? Add music? Plan your content better? Get a hair cut?

There are so many ways to improve but it can be impossible to know what is most important.

Yet there are some people could look at what you’re doing and immediately see what is and isn’t working for you. Experts like David Paskin and Olu Sobanjo who work with all sorts of people to improve their online presentation.

How does it work?

  • Share a link
  • Wait for feedback
  • Pick the most upvoted suggestion to work on next

How do I start?

If you would like some help reaching the next level, share a video link to one of your videos here:

If you want to help others, it’s the same link. Simply offer a tip and, if I’m happy you’re being suitably kind and constructive, I’ll approve you as a mentor and you can start building your reputation by helping as many people as you like.

First video!

I have kicked things off by uploading the first video.

Upload guide: Michael uploads the first video

I’m very excited to see how we can all help each other!


Michael Forrest

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